Veggies to beat the heat

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The summer is here and as usual, we’re all looking for ways cool our bodies, whether it’s icy cool drinks or long cold showers. But don’t just rely on these ideas, instead try adding these vegetables to your diet and refresh your body this summer with some natural cooling agents.

Snake gourd: It helps in restoring normal functioning of your system. It helps stimulate the production of body fluids, thereby preventing any dryness thus helping the body stay cooler.
Snake gourd is also useful in preventing and treating heart problems.

Pumpkin: A vegetable with great cooling effects and one that also helps with digestion. Pumpkin contains potassium and fibre and also helps control blood pressure and sugar levels. In addition, it can also be useful in treating skin certain conditions.

Bitter gourd: Bitter gourd can help treat boils, rashes and other skin infections.
It also helps control hypertension.

Bottle gourd: A vegetable that is made mostly of water and therefore helps you deal with the heat better. It also helps you with avoid problems like acidity which is commonly seen in summer. By preventing the loss of sodium, it helps you maintain the electrolyte level in your body, thus preventing exhaustion.

Amaranth leaves: Also known as Chinese spinach, these leaves are full of vitamins A, B6 and C. An effective cooling vegetable that can keep your body well prepared for a hot summer.

Ridged gourd: An effective blood purifier, ridged gourd also helps lower blood sugar levels and neutralize digestion related problems.

Ash gourd: Comprised of more than 90% water, ash gourd helps you keep your body cool and protects it from sun stroke. It is also an excellent source of vitamins B1 and B3. And a healthy amount of potassium helps you maintain your blood pressure.

Cucumber: Another vegetable which is comprised of more than 90% water and can keep your body hydrated and regulate the body temperature. It also helps flush the toxins out of your body. The potassium, magnesium and fibre present in cucumber also help maintain your blood pressure. Eating cucumber on a regular basis can also help dissolve kidney stones.

With these eight vegetables, there is no reason why you can’t enjoy your summer despite the heat.

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