Work out while you work

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Do you have a gym membership that you never use? Do you plan out an exercise schedule for the week but are never able to stick to? You’re not the only one having trouble to fit in a much needed exercise in your daily schedule. And in most cases, the reason is a busy work schedule. But what if there was a way to get your exercise while you were at work?

Sitting on a desk for eight hours every day, staring at a computer screen is the kind of sedentary lifestyle that can easily take a toll on your health. But then again, your daily work schedule is not something that you can miss either. So here are five simple tips and exercises that you can follow during the day, without even stepping out of your office.

Take the stairs to get to your office instead of using the elevator. Climbing the stairs is one of the simplest exercises that you can do every day, as it not only burns calories but is also a good cardiovascular activity and helps in blood circulation.

It can help if you keep a foldable mat in your office so you can use it to do some basic exercises like crunches and push-ups. These basic exercises can help burn carbohydrates and energize your body at the same time.

Walk around your office or office premises for 10 to 15 minutes after lunch. Brisk walking helps fight stress and also increases your energy levels

You can keep small hand weights at your desk at the office and lift them when you’re on a call. But make sure that you don’t lift weights that are too heavy while sitting. If possible, take a 10-minute break, stand up and do some simple lifting exercises.

Squeezing a stress-ball can get your blood flowing and is an excellent exercise if you use you frequently use your keyboard. It can also help increase the strength in your forearms and joints.

You can also do some light stretches during your day at work.

Now you know how you can schedule your exercise in your busy everyday life.


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